Dr M Siva Sundari

23+ Years Experience
MBBS, MDOG, DNBOG , MRCOG(UK), FALS (ROBOTIC SURGERY). | Obstetrician & Gynecologist
English | Hindi | Tamil
Overall Rating 4.90
Apollo Speciality Hospitals Vanagaram
# No.64,vanagaram To Ambattur Main Road,chennai, , Chennai, ,

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    Dr M Siva Sundari is a distinguished Obstetrician & Gynecologist based at Apollo Speciality Hospitals Vanagaram. With an impressive 23 years of experience in the medical field, she has dedicated her career to providing exceptional healthcare services to patients. She holds MBBS, MDOG, DNBOG , MRCOG(UK), FALS (ROBOTIC SURGERY)., showcasing her extensive training and commitment to medical excellence. She is proficient in multiple languages, ensuring effective communication with a diverse range of patients.

    She is known for her patient-centric approach, emphasizing the importance of understanding each patient’s unique needs and medical history. She expertise encompasses a wide range of conditions related to Obstetrician & Gynecologist, enabling she to deliver precise diagnoses and treatments. She ensures that patients receive care tailored to their individual health requirements.

    In her practice, Dr M Siva Sundari goes beyond treatments by educating patients about their health conditions. This empowers individuals to take active roles in managing their health and making informed decisions. By fostering a supportive and understanding environment, she builds trust and ensures long-term health management strategies for patients.

    Dedicated to staying updated with advancements in her field, Dr M Siva Sundari actively collaborates with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care. She commitment to improving health outcomes continues to leave a lasting impact on the lives of her patients, solidifying her reputation as a trusted name in Obstetrician & Gynecologist.


    Life member Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist London UK Life member OGSSI INDIA Life member ATNRCOG MEMBER OF ARIS,IAGES



    Research and Publication

    PAPERS PUBLISHED: 1.Case note : Triplet pregnancy with partial hydatiform mole. M Siva Sundari,PreetAgarwal,Jayanthi Mohan . J Indian Med Asssoc2011;109:116-7. 2.Case report : Rarity but Reality : A Rare Presentation of GranulosaCell .M.Sivasundari ,Ravi Kumar Barua , Arunita NandyAsian Journal of obsGynaec Practice, Vol .2 , April – June 2011,40-42. 3.A Rare Case Of Acardiactwins.G.Usharani,Geetha Anand,Sivasundari.SriRamachandra Journal of Medicine,Vol.5,Issue 1,Jan-Jun 2012. 4.POSTERIOR REVERSIBLE ENCEPHALOPATHY SYNDROME IN POSTPARTUM NORMOTENSIVE WOMAN A RARE PRESENTATION.Dr.M.Sivasundari ,K.S.Rajeshwari.Asian Journalof ObsGynaec Practice, Vol .1 , April – June 2014,33- 34. 5.ARBORISATION OF THE PELVIS BY RETROPERITONEAL LEIOMYOMA .Dr.M.Sivasundari ,K.S.Rajeshwari BJOG Supplement 10.111/1471-0528.12780 march 2014. 6.Obstetrics is bloody business..Asian Journal of ObsGynaec Practice, Vol1 ,jan 2015. 7.surprise in Pandora box SAFOG SEP-DEC 2014. 8.A CASE OF ITP IN PREGNANCY SAFOG MAY-AUGUST 2015 Vol 7,No.2,1095 9-Evaluation of predictive value of swedes score in SAFOG 2016.ID JPJ600291015JOG 10. ‘RARE CASE OF ANGIOMYXOMA OF VULVA – A CASE REPORT’ IN CANCER AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, CANADA .VOL6.NO.1 2017 11.RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF MATERNAL AND FETAL OUTCOME H1N1INFLUENZA AMONG ANTENATAL MOTHERSORIGINAL ARTICLE JOURNAL OF PATIENT SAFETY AND INFECTION CONTROL 10 4103 JPSIC2217. 12.RETROSPECTIVE STUDY ON DECISION TO DELIVERY INTERVAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES.e-ISSN 22790853PISSN VOL17 JANUARY2018 13.Validation of Newly developed and simplified scoring methods of Hirsuitism Indian journal of Public Health aResearch and development june 2019 14.Prospective analysis of surgery for invasive and borderline tumors of ovary - lymph node ratio (A new concept),Gouthaman Shanmugasundaram1* , Sivasundari Maharajan2International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Research.Volume 2; Issue 1; January 2019; Page No. 29-34 15. Outcomes of Advanced Oncological Laparoscopic Procedures in a Tertiary Care Center.Shanmugasundaram Gouthaman, Sivasundari Maharajan.International Journal of Scientific Study | June 2020 | Vol 8 | Issue 3 16. Retrograde Retroperitoneal Type B1 Radical Hysterectomy in Distorted Pelvic Anatomy: Our Experience. Gouthaman, S., Maharajan, S. & Soundarajan, J.C.B Indian J Gynecol Oncolog 18, 100 (2020). 17Making mothers out of Grandmothers JSAFOG 10.5005 /JPJOURNALS-10006-1621 18.A Journey of Hurdles With Podium Finish In A Covid Positive Pregnancy Sivasundari Maharajan E.Shanthi K.Vinu Vilashini European journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515- 8260 Volume 07,Issue 08,2020 19.An Unusual encounter With Double Trouble and Triple Threat Bavya Selvamuthu,Tharaka Senathirajah, Sivasundari Maharajan,Shanthi E European journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07,Issue 08,2020 20.Bewilderment in Bartholins Gland-An Unusual Location of Endometriosis.Dr.Sharmila.S,Dr.Sivasundari Maharajan,Dr.G.Rohini,Dr.Sukanya.Annals of R.S.C.B,ISSN:1583- 6258,Vol .25,Issue 3,2021,Pages 1690-1693. Corresponding author 21.A knowledge ,attitude and practice study on awareness of contraception among postpartum women in a tertiary care centre Sivasundari Maharajan,Danvarsha Sumaldha Subbiah Ramkumar,Perni Navya Sree Int.J.Res.Pharma Sci,2021,12(2),1597- 1601. 22.Clinicopathological Analysis of Carcinoma Endometrium at a Teriay Care Centre in Chennai-A Retrospective Study Shanmugasundaram Gouthaman, Roshni Saravanan, Sivasundari Maharajan,Ravi Shankar Pitani,Jagadesh Chandra Bose Soundarajan J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8F(29):2625- 2632.10.18410/jebmh/2021/484 23.Prevalence Of Postpartum Depression Among Postnatal Women At A Tertiary Care Centre Using Edinburgh Post Partum Depression Scale Sivasundari Maharajan , Danvarsha Sumaldha Subbiah Ramkumar,Nimrah Amthul,Shrutiravali Int .J .Res.Pharm.Sci.,2021,12(4),2395-2399 24.Retrospective Analysis of Hematological Parameters in Covid Positive Pregnancy Sivasundari Maharajan, Nimrah Amthul, Danvarsha Sumaldha Int .J .Res.Pharm.Sci.,2021,12(4),2389-2394 25.Knowledge,Attitude and Practice towards COVID-19 Infection during Pregnancy among Antepartum Women Sivasundari Maharajan ,Shifa Shahina Nijamudeen, Danvarsha Sumaldha Subbiah Ramkumar,Nimrah Amthul Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research International 33(47B0691- 697,2021;Article no.JPRI.75019.

    Special Interests

    Gynaecology- Benign and Malignant Minimally invasive surgeries(Laparoscopic and robotic surgeries)


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