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Dr. Shanti Talwar is a highly esteemed Paediatric Surgeon based in Delhi, with an exceptional experience of 46 years in her field. Recognized for her extensive expertise and dedication to child health, Dr. Talwar has earned numerous prestigious awards throughout her illustrious career. She is a recipient of the Dr. B C Roy National Award (1993) and has been honored with the Bharat Nirman Talented Ladies Award (2002) and the Best Citizen of India Award (2004). In 2010, she was awarded the Indira Gandhi Woman Achiever Award, highlighting her commitment to excellence in paediatric care. Dr. Talwar’s contributions to the Indian Association of Paediatric Surgery (IAPS) are notable; she served as President in 1992 and has held various key positions, culminating in a Gold Medal for her immense contributions as General Secretary, Treasurer, and President of IAPS in 2015. She is also recognized as a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in India (1993) and has received various fellowships, including the Shri Ram Travel Fellowship by NAMS and the Colombo Plan Fellowship Award (1978). Her expertise extends to performing complex surgeries on children, making her a trusted name among parents seeking medical care for their little ones. Dr. Shanti Talwar's commitment to her patients, coupled with her accolades and leadership in paediatric surgery, positions her as a leading figure in the medical community.
- 15 yrs in Gen.Surgery as faculty
- 31 yrs.Paed.Surgery as faculty after MCh.
- Clinical Work-Teaching(both Undergraduates and Post Graduates),Research and Publication- Examinership(both undergraduates and post graduates),Organisation of both National and International Workshops and conferences),Interviewing experience (UPSC and state levels),occupied high positions in MCI,Nams and National board.
- Life member of IAPS
- Life member of IAPS (Delhi)
- Life member of IAP (Delhi)
- Life member of NNF (National & Delhi)
- Life member ASI (Delhi)
- Life member IMA, DMA
- Life member of DMA (South Delhi)
- Life member of IAP (Noida)
Research and Publication
- Thalwars ,1986 ,"Current Concepts in the management of Nephroblantema (Welms Tumous)" in scientific approach to surgury editers Rana & Anand ,1986. Publishesr Mahalaxmi Medicine Publishers , new DELHI. Talwars ,1988," Uretero-Pediatric obstruction in children" . In scientific approach to surgery no 2. editors Rama & anand , 1988. Publishers Mahalaxmi Medical Publishers, New delhi.Rana bs ,Talwar s , Anand vj , Sarin S," Current management of post -urethral Valves ". In scientfic approach to surgery no 2, Editors Rana and Anand ,1988. Publishers mahalaxmi medical publishers, new delhi.
- Talwar S ,Aggarwal SK ," Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction" forASI text book of surgery .Editor Ahmad A Hai,patna. Talwar S,Aggarwal SK ," Respiratory distress surgical causes" in clinical hand book of surgical paediatrics edited by R.Kulsherestha and H.Chellani (Child Book Series) October,1994. Talwar S,Aggarwal SK," Current management of neonatal intestinal obstruction in surgery ". The journal of continuing education for surgeons,January issue 1996, Publisher Cristabelle Passi Editor Dr. R.K.Gandhi. Talwar S,Aggrawal SK,"Wilms tumour a review in "Surgery "(The journal of CME),Editor DR.R K Gandhi, Publisher Cristabelle Passi.
- Talwar S, management of Neonatal surgical emergencies in the 2nd edition ooooooooooooof" Neonatology - Principal and Practies ". Editors DK guha,1997. Aggrawal S,Talwar S and Reys M,"Chylous Mesenteric Cyst". Ind . Peadiatric 9:51,1972.Talwar S,Aggarwal S and Reys M," Leiomyoma of ileum ". Ind 35:599,1973. Mukerjee S .
- Talwar S and Aggrawal S," Duodenal obstruction ". Ind J.Paed . 40:403, 1973. Mukerjee S,Talwar S and Maheshwari HB," Thymoma"J.of ind. med. Assoc. 63:229,1974. Mukerjee S,Talwar S, Dikshit , Chakraborty ," Management of peneterating injuries of abdomen (review of 400 cases). The Ind. Pract. 28:93, 1975.
- Talwar S ,Rana BS ,Maheswari HB , mukerjee S ,"Carcinoma Male Breast ". Surg J.Delhi 10:17, 1975. Rana BS ,Talwar S,Gaba U ," Post - traumatic pancreatic pseudocyst ". Ind .J.Surg .43:255, 1981.Rana BS, Talwar S, Maheswari HB and Gaba U," Torsion of extra - Iuminal gastric Leiomyoma". Ind . J . Surg. 43:47, 1982. Yadav K,Patel RV ,Talwar S, Singh J and Yadav RVS ," Experimental Study on splenic preservation and its clinical results" . Surgical J. of North India ,2:236,1986. Yadav K, patel RV , Talwar S," The prune Belly Syndrome with multiple congental anomalities ". Surg .J.Surg.50(8):271,1988. Talwar S," Soft tissue sarcomas in children our experience ", Annals of INMAS Academy of Med. Specialities ,2(1):22,1988. Talwar S," Splenic injuries in children ". Proceedings of national Workshop on paediatric trauma and Accidents . 1:40,1988. Talwar S,Kapoor R," Aphalia ". Indian Paediatrics.25:579,1988.Talwar S , Kapoor R ," Giant Hydronephrosis in children ". Indian paediatric 25:790,1988. Narain H , Talwar S, Kapoor R, Rana BS ," Role of ultrasound in evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma in children ". Indian paediatrics 26:539,1989. Talwar S," Ureteropelvic juncton obstruction in children ". Paed. Surgery update course book pages 7-09, june , 1990.
- Kapoor R, Saha MM. Talwar S," Spontaneous faecal fistula in a case of inguinal hernia in a child ". Indian Paediatrics , 28:193,1991. Kapoor R, Saha MM,Talwar S," Ultrasonic evaluation of intra-abdominal absceses " IndianPaediatric 28:757,1991. Kapoor R, Saha M, Talwar S,"Sonographic appearances of Lymphangicmas . Indian paediatric 31:1447-1450. Pawa S, Chaudhary V, Aggarwal SK, Talwar S- Dupication anomolies of Mullerian ducts with cloacal abnormality . Indian journal radio imaging vol. 5 No. 2 pages 61-65, may 1995.Talwar S, Paediatric surgical emergiences in Indian Medical Trebune Page 10 issue october 30,1995.Talwar S, Recent advaues in management of Wilms ' tumous in proceedings of national CME programme of Paediatrics surgery , Page 10 issue october 30,1995.
Special Interests
- Oncology Trauma
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Dr. Shanti Talwar practice?
Dr. Shanti Talwar's medical practice is located at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in Sarita Vihar. This hospital offers comprehensive healthcare services and is a leading medical facility.
Why do patients visit Dr. Shanti Talwar?
Patients seek Dr. Shanti Talwar's expertise for Appendicitis Treatment, Congenital diseases, and Pacemaker Implantation. Further details regarding her services are available via her professional profile.
What are Dr. Shanti Talwar's qualifications?
Dr. Shanti Talwar holds an MBBS, MS in General Surgery, and an MCh in Pediatric Surgery.
What is Dr. Shanti Talwar's medical specialty?
Dr. Shanti Talwar specializes in Pediatric Surgery.
How many years of experience does Dr. Shanti Talwar have?
Dr. Shanti Talwar possesses 61 years of experience in the medical field.
Who is Dr. Shanti Talwar?
Dr. Shanti Talwar is a highly experienced Pediatric Surgeon practicing at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in Sarita Vihar, Delhi. With 61 years of experience, she holds an MBBS from the University of Delhi (1963), MS in General Surgery from the University of Delhi (1968), and MCh in Pediatric Surgery from PGIMER, Chandigarh (1985). She is a member of the Medical Council of India (MCI). Her expertise includes Appendicitis Treatment, Congenital diseases, Pacemaker Implantation, Coronary Angioplasty/Bypass Surgery, and Invasive Cardiac procedures.